Passion for life, words and engineering.

Translation-related desktop publishing (DTP) of particular documents requires first of all mind work and communication.

Your actual translation is made using digitally editable material and computer-aided translation (CAT) software but in many cases original material is submitted in a non-editable format like a scanned PDF file or on paper.

Another related field is the digital restoration of poor quality photocopies, faxed documents, mathematical functions and tables, the layout of equations and translation of figures and illustrations.

The very essence of a project involving desktop publishing (DTP) is to find the right balance between expectations and costs.

Our tried and tested league of professionals, methods and tools also excel in desktop publishing (DTP). This is good news since the way from plan to result usually presents many pitfalls.

In-house DTP skills enable that each of our professionals work in their own field during the lifecycle of documents: DTP experts come up with the layout and editing, while translators can concentrate only on delivering professional quality translations.

We offer desktop publishing as a supplementary service. On demand we can also give a highly competitive offer on print orders also with limited number of copies.